Things to help get poop out.
-apply heat to your back or any place. Will help loosen muscles which helps fluids flow throughout your body.
-Drink water. This also helps fluids flow.
-adjusting back muscles. This helps everything to flow in the right direction which gets the poop out. :)
-Take fiber gummies or vitamins. Those help the poop to be less constapated and get out easier.
-fruits: prunes, apples, pears, kiwi, citrus fruits, blueberries.
-greens: spinach, celery, green beans.
-other: artichokes, flaxseed oil/flaxseeds, popcorn, rice, oatmeal, beans, coffee.
- Forward lunges.
- Cat and cow pose.
- bring leg up towards body, and bend your knee. Using your arms, gently pull the right leg into the right side of your body. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat and do the same thing with the left leg.
- Wind relieving pose: lay flat on your back with your legs fully extended in front of you. Then, slowly raise your right knee up to your chest and hold it in place with your arms. Do that for 20 breaths. Release your knee and let your leg fully extend in front of you again. Do the same thing for your left leg for another 20 breaths.
- Seated twist: sit on a bed or floor with your legs fully extended in front of you. Bring your left knee up so that your foot rests flat on the ground close to your tooshie. Twist your core by placing your right elbow on the opposite side of your left knee and looking over your left shoulder. Hold this pose for 5 breaths and then release. Repeat the same thing for the opposite side of your body..